
The Postgraduate Program in Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering (PPGEET), reformulated in 2013 from the Postgraduate Program in Telecommunications Engineering, is recognized by the Ministry of Education – MEC and evaluated by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – CAPES. Its faculty is currently formed by 26 permanent doctors, graduated in Brazil and 2 collaborating doctors. The program has the support of CAPES, CNPq, FAPERJ, in the form of scholarships and research projects. In addition, several projects have been developed by researchers and students with the support of ANEEL, Furnas Centrais Elétricas, Petrobras, LIGHT S.A., RNP, FIRJAN, ENEL, among others.           


Vitor Hugo Ferreira


Andres Pablo Lopez Barbero


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Postgraduate activities linked to PPGEET started in 1984, with the offering of the Specialization Course in Optical Fibers (lato sensu postgraduation) in the Telecommunications Engineering Department (TET-UFF), a pioneering initiative even on a national basis. The success of the course led to its reissue in several successive versions until the mid-1990s. The Postgraduate Program in Telecommunications Engineering at UFF – PET was created in 2004, with a ​​concentration area in “Telecommunications Systems”, recognized by the Education Ministry – MEC and evaluated by Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior – CAPES.

In 2012, a program restructuration began, which, in 2013, started to cover another ​​concentration area : “Electric Energy Systems”. The reformulation was approved by CAPES, resulting in an initial group of thirteen permanent professors and called the Posgraduate Program in Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering – PPGEET. In 2018, the APCN proposal for a PhD course in Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering was approved by CAPES. 

Thus, the program, throughout its history, aims to encourage last new research and the qualified electrical and telecommunications engineering professionals training with a Master’s and Doctorate level.

Fibers Optical Laboratory of TET/UFF in 1988, one of the initiatives that gave rise to PPGGET. In the photo, professor Hypolito José Kalinowski as leader of professors. Andrés Pablo Lopez-Barbero and Tarcísio Martins Dantas, as Scientific Initiation students. On the bench, a tube lock-in amplifier, from the mid-1950s, a photoelastic modulator controller and Apple IIe computers, which allowed digitizing signals through the joystick port (analog).

Research Areas

Master’s course activities are concentrated in two areas

Telecomunication Systems

The general objective is to study the different aspects related to optical communication systems and sensors to optical fibers. Specifically, through studies, experiments and numerical modeling, which complement each other harmoniously, we have been working on the following themes: optical systems with silica fibers, systems for short distances based on plastic optical fibers, optical amplifiers, devices with plastic optical fibers , optical fiber sensors, as well as the related and established technologies integration such as optical-acoustic and MicrowavePhotonics. In addition, the Research Line team has acquired competence in equipment development with microprocessed embedded electronics.

The general objective is the study of the electromagnetic waves propagation in the radio channel, transmission techniques and signals reception, devices development and antennas for high frequencies in printed technology and data compression algorithms studies, voice signals analysis and synthesis, video and digital images and voice and speaker recognition. Specifically, the behavior of mobile radio propagation in different environments is studied through modeling, characterization and simulation channels, including: coverage, signal statistics and temporal and spectral dispersion. In addition, optimal reception techniques through diversity schemes, MIMO and encoders most appropriate for wireless communications, equalizers and modulation / demodulation techniques using multiport are also studied. In addition, high frequency circuit designs using printed circuit technology are carried out and implemented.

In this line, the factors that affect the quality of service and experience are studied, in addition to the efficient use of communication channels, with emphasis on error control, data communication protocols, new network architectures, control and multimedia networks management. It includes new advances in wireless networks and sensor networks, software-defined networks, security, multimedia systems, smart grids and the Internet of the future. The interest topics are grouped into five themes, namely: Multimedia in Computer Networks; Computer Network Security; Programmability, Virtualization and Next Generation Computer Networks; Challenging Networks; and Internet of Things.

Electric Energy Systems

This line of research is dedicated to the study of electrical power system problems, through mathematical models and computational implementation, that is, it promotes new algorithms, numerical methods, computational models, criteria, procedures and simulation techniques, seeking new and better solutions development that optimize economic, social, adequacy, safety, quality and continuity aspects related to electrical systems. It is focused on the use of tools, such as optimization techniques, computational intelligence, machine learning and metaheuristics. Currently, as research projects in development can be cited: development of forecasting methods to aid decision making in the horizons of planning the expansion and electrical systems operation; impact studies of the insertion of new generation sources in the system; operating conditions studies of the system through the analysis and relevance variables monitoring to the electrical system, including control techniques and state estimation; computational developments of analysis and modeling methodologies focused on dynamics and control, electromagnetic transients, subsynchronous resonance, harmonic distortion or voltage stability; simulations involving dynamic phasors; studies of the dynamic performance of FACTS and Direct Current links (HVDC), including adverse interactions analysis, coordinated adjustment and multiple feeds HVDC problem (multi-infeed); high performance computing in the simulation of power systems; use of phasor measurement units (PMU).

The development and improvement of electrical devices have fundamental importance for electrical power systems evolution and expansion. In this way, this research line is dedicated to the study and machines analysis and electrical devices through the mathematical models development and simulations using numerical methods such as, for example, the finite element method. Small and large machines, special engines, including their electronic drive, and the use of new materials are studied and modeled. The last aproach, addresses the investigation, study and application of superconducting materials in various electrical devices and equipment development, such as transformers, cables, motors / generators, electric energy accumulators (SMES and Flywheel) and short-circuit current limiters.


The Program’s infrastructure comprises laboratories used by researchers, master’s students and undergraduate students to carry out various projects and related demands. Among these, the following stand out:


Laboratório de Modelagem Computacional de Sistema de Energia Elétrica


Laboratório de Eletrônica


Laboratório do Grupo de Pesquisa em Controle Avançado de Máquinas Elétricas

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Laboratório de Comunicações Ópticas

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Laboratório de Projetos em Eletrônica e Computação

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 Laboratório de Propagação

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 Laboratório de Luminotécnica

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Laboratório de Supercondutividade Aplicada

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  Laboratório de Comunicação de Dados Multimídia

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 Núcleo de Inovação Tecnológica em Engenharia Elétrica

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 Laboratório de Estudos de Transmissão e Distribuição de Energia Elétrica

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 Flexible, Resilient and Intelligent Energy Delivery System Lab

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 Laboratório de Pesquisa em Eletrônica de Potência

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 Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa de Redes de Nova Geração

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